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When is Regression Testing Required?

When is regression testing required

In a cut-throat competitive software market, developers update old features, add new functionalities, and remove as many bugs as possible. So, they are frequently adding new lines of code or tweaking old ones. But, here is the catch. Even a minor code tweak can cause unexpected consequences in other areas of the software. Seemingly insignificant changes in the source code can snowball and affect other software modules. Regression tests are critical at this stage. These tests verify two things – first, developers can confirm that the newly added change works as expected. Second, they can ensure that other software functions are not affected negatively.

Often, new developments involve dependencies, defects, and bugs. Software regression test scripts aim to minimize these risks and keep the previously developed and tested code operational. The final test is implemented after all other functional and non-functional test cases have been tackled. Once an application passes regression testing, it is fit to be released.

Below, we have outlined the different scenarios that require regression testing. We have also addressed why test automation is an integral part of regression tests.

When is Software Regression Testing Required?

Regression testing ensures the stability and functionality of the software when code changes, modifications, or updates occur. Regression test scripts are critical in the following five scenarios.

1.     Introducing a new functionality 

Adding new functionality is a typical scenario where regression testing is relevant. New lines of code or new features added to the software can cause unwarranted changes in the existing code. It helps ensure current features work optimally. Additionally, it recognizes possible flaws overlooked in previous testing cycles.

2.     Changing an existing functionality

Software requirements can change based on business needs. Existing functionalities need to be updated from time to time to meet the new requirements. But, as mentioned above, changes in the underlying code can ripple out and cause defects in other parts of the software. Regression tests can identify any undesired effect caused to the existing code, preventing issues down the line.

3.     Integrating a new product

Most organizations use multiple software products from different vendors to service their business needs. Over time, some products become obsolete, and new ones are integrated into the system. Regression testing must be done every time a new integration occurs or an old one gets scrapped. Regression testing checks whether the products are 100% compatible and work flawlessly together.

4.     Introducing security patches and updates 

Security patches and updates are released regularly. These updates might affect changes within the software. Regression testing ensures those changes do not affect the functionality of the different software components.

5.     Fixing codebase to solve defects 

Bugs can slip through untouched even after rigorous testing. Testers should conduct regression testing after these bugs are discovered and fixed.

Ideally, regression test script libraries can be built by combining existing test cases that have been used since the beginning of the project. All the different tests – including unit tests, integration tests, functional tests – can be put into a regression testing suite and rerun. But over time, these tests can number in their thousands, making manual testing complicated, impractical, and time-consuming. Here is where automated regression testing comes in. Modern, no-code test automation solutions can quickly set up testing parameters and check the new codes against previously set baselines with a few mouse clicks.

Avo Assure is one such product. It is a heterogeneous, no-code automation solution that enables end-to-end test autoamtion with more than 90% coverage. Its cross-platform compatibility, 1500+ keyword library, visual reporting, and intelligent scheduling features make it an ideal product for continuous regression testing. Avo Assure even helped a leading Fortune 500 Bank implement 100% test coverage with end-to-end automation while reducing test execution time drastically.

Want to learn more about how Avo Assure can help your enterprise with regression testing? Schedule a demo today.

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