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What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing

QA teams are under constant pressure to create applications that are error-free, fully functional, and streamlined. It’s their responsibility to ensure the developed software meets all the requirements and standards set for it initially. This is where automated functional testing comes in. It enables testers to check for the product’s quality, reliability, and performance under real-world conditions.

A large team of testers usually performs functional testing. It requires a lot of capital, time, and human resources to accomplish. But with the right test automation solution, functional testing becomes more manageable, faster, and accurate. Test automation can deliver much better results than manual functional testing. Research has shown that automation solutions can identify more than 90% of all bugs at a much faster clip, helping organizations get rid of technical debt and launch to market quickly.

What is functional testing?

The first step in the software development life cycle is creating the requirement specification document. This is a crucial process that outlines all the specifications, requirements, and expectations from the software. The software needs to perform all its functions perfectly before it is launched. QA teams use functional testing to determine whether the piece of software is as per the predetermined requirements.

Simply put, it’s a form of automated testing that checks how the application performs with the end-users and the entire system.

One thing to keep in mind here is that functional testing is neither concerned with the application’s internal logic nor with the source code. All it does is ensure the application is working as intended using black-box testing techniques.

Some of the tested functions under this category include UI, database, APIs, client/server communications, and security.

Why do we need automated functional testing?

Automated functional testing plays a critical role in the testing phase of the SDLC. It fits right in with the accelerated time frame of development required to meet the market demands. Moreover, it provides a host of other advantages.

● Enables organizations to deliver a high-quality product that meets all the requirements of the end-users.

● Helps find and remove bugs that can potentially derail the software and the entire development process.

● Ensures that the end product has a high level of security.

● Reduces rework, resulting in faster time-to-market. 

● Ensures that the end-consumer has a streamlined experience with the software.

What are the different types of functional testing?

The most prominent functional tests to be automated are unit tests, regression tests, smoke tests, sanity tests, integration testing, and cross-browser testing.

Unit Testing

The code written by the developers is divided into units. Unit tests make sure that each unit functions as intended. Unit testing is usually performed very early in the cycle to identify bugs and rectify them. Since unit tests only test small application components, it makes it easier to find errors before they snowball into outages.

Smoke testing

Smoke tests determine the stability of the software. It’s performed to ensure that the most basic and critical functions of the software perform adequately. Applications are first passed through a smoke test and only then sent ahead for other forms of testing. A failed smoke test signifies that the product is unstable and not fit for release.

Regression testing

Software and applications require constant upkeep. Teams add new updates and features to maintain viability and competitiveness. Regression testing helps ensure these new features do not adversely affect the existing code. It is one of the most exhaustive tests and is best done with automation.

Sanity testing

Sanity testing determines whether the newly added features and functions are working correctly. It’s usually performed after regression testing.

Integration testing

Functional testing is used to verify the functionality of the entire system as opposed to the individual components in unit testing. It is used to check whether the different units are working perfectly together when integrated.

Cross-browser testing

Cross-browser testing is a critical test performed towards the end of the testing phase just before launch. It checks whether the application performs as expected across different browsers, OS, devices, and their versions.

No software development cycle can is complete until all the functional tests are checked. Since these tests are time-consuming and tedious, it’s best to rely on a suitable test automation software. Avo Assure is one such automation solution that offers a 100% no-code and heterogeneous approach to test automation. It helps you achieve over 95% coverage and expedites testing like never before. Its pre-built keyword library, intelligent reporting capabilities, and third-party integrations make functional testing a breeze. Avo Assure helped one of the US’s largest commercial property, and casualty insurance providers automate their application testing 10x faster, reduce costs, and improve customer experience. If you’re looking for a solution that can make functional testing quicker and more reliable, then book a demo with us now!

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