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What Test Automation Metrics Does Your Product Need?

Test Automation Metrics

You can’t control what you cannot measure. Rightly put out by Tom DeMarco, a software engineer, author, and consultant for software engineering topics, the same applies to your test automation initiatives.

Understanding the QA process to identify and fix pain points is crucial. That is why test automation metrics are inevitable to you. With the right one in hand, you can improve your team’s performance and efficiency. Also, it helps you feed relevant, insightful data while testing to leverage speed and coverage. But before you create one, know what test automation strategy suits your product the best.

Prime Characteristics of a Test Automation Metrics

1. Define automation goals

2. Continuously track test metrics

3. Identify/make relevant changes

4. Addition of assignments and projects

5. Build outcome-based strategies

What Test Automation Metric Does Your Product Need?

The reason why you rope-in a test automation metrics is to measure performance besides maintaining consistency. Also, it’s your guidebook to put all resources to full use and see your test automation plan is completely executed. While addressing what test automation metrics you need, including one that gives you the following acumens, is the best.

Gives You the Complete Test Duration

It showcases the entire time spent by your team to perform all automation tests. The gain is, it defines and gives you valuable insights into the total effort and resources needed for automation.

Detailed Test Coverage

Gives you accurate statistics on the total number of unit tests performed to cover the entire code. For developers, it’s a reference to see how robust the codebase is. It also shows the conditions of each testing path and the actual code quality.

Text Execution Status

Displays details on whether all your tests got executed or not, their performance, and whether the tests generate intended outcomes.

Detailed Log for Passed and Failed Tests

Shows you the number of tests passed and the ones that failed. Knowing pass/fail test percentage gives you valuable insights into testing trends and capabilities to predict outcomes.

The metric should also give you the count of all notable defects that happen during all testing cycles.

Defect Distribution

Knowing the number of defects alone is not enough. Your metrics should also give you the exact location of these issues within the codebase. It helps developers quickly resolve the issue permanently rather than quick fixes.

Automation Breakeven

These metrics give you ROI measures, their effectiveness, and data to realize positive ROI. It also helps software engineers to evaluate whether their automation approach is the best for ROI and QA processes.

Predictive Data

Your test automation metrics should give predictive results from a QA process. A test data repository will assist software engineers in making error-free decisions over ongoing or future testing.

In a nutshell, to perform good monitoring, gain insightful data, and accurately measure your automation and its efficacy, you need robust, insightful test automation metrics in place. It’s a significant way to determine ROI, understand what changes/improvements to make, and leverage automation speed, coverage, and efficiency.

At Avo, we understand test automation requirements end-to-end and help you build software applications with quality and speed. Let us help you make your automation journey a success. Get a free demo today.

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