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What is User Interface Test Automation?

User Interface

User interface(UI) test automation is becoming more vital today as customer demands evolve, continually pushing enterprises to update application requirements and user interface (UI). The moment users enter a website, whatever they might do, is likely to do, or call for any service, is part of the UI. Malfunction of any UI action impacts customer satisfaction and the intended functioning of the application.  

Therefore, with each click of a button or data input, QA teams must test whether it works as expected and what functions are likely to fail. That’s why UI testing is crucial in maintaining a fully functional website/application. In short, UI testing helps you gain insight into how well your application works. 

However, almost all UI testing processes are time-consuming, tedious, and fallible if done manually. With UI test automation technologies offering top-notch automation solutions to overcome these challenges, UI testing today is a matter of a few clicks. 

What is UI Test Automation? 

UI test automation is the process of engaging test automation solutions to take over repetitive UI testing tasks from humans. It will ensure quick release cycles, with quality assurance besides accuracy, efficiency, and reliability. As with any automated process, it runs with the help of software programs without any oversight from a human. 

A UI test automation solution helps your test engineers “fail faster.” It is crucial as identifying errors soon helps correct any technical issues long before a product release. Catching impactful bugs in requirements, design, code logic, and testing procedures will help your team produce the highest quality software possible. 

Not only does it improve the quality of your applications, but it also encourages your software development team to consider quality at all stages of the project life cycle. Further, UI test automation solutions can run simultaneously on multiple platforms and browsers, making the overall UI testing process faster and more cost-efficient. 

Best Practices in User Interface Test Automation  

As with all processes in software development, there are industry best practices that your teams can follow to yield better ROI from your UI test automation investment. Below are some of the best practices in UI test automation. 

  • Prioritize which test cases to automate first 
  • Select the appropriate automation tools 
  • Keep tests simple 
  • Select a proper naming convention 
  • Get ready with quality test data before your testing efforts 
  • Rely on different types of testing methods 
  • Use data-driven vs. repeated tests. 
  • Accurately documents testing processes to improve failure investigation 

Benefits of User Interface Test Automation 

UI test automation offers many benefits, especially in the agile development ecosystems. Listed below are a few benefits of implementing UI test automation. 

  • Significantly increases test coverage rates 
  • Drives faster debugging 
  • It makes testing scalable with reusable capabilities 
  • Comparatively enables faster test execution 
  • It eliminates human error and gives accurate test results 
  • It is cost-effective and the least time-consuming 

Your application’s UI is what your users see and touch and thus is the calling card of your application. Don’t turn them off with a buggy, inaccessible, or complex UI. It, therefore, is quintessential to select appropriate UI testing approaches that ensure your application works well. 

UI test automation solution caters to all of the challenges to stay on the competitive edge. That’s why UI test automation is worth your time. 

At Avo, we provide the industry’s best UI test automation solution that helps you forget testing burdens forever. Avo Assure, an intelligent, no-code test automation solution, enables you to achieve end-to-end UI test automation for various business processes across the web, mobile, ERP, Mainframes, and more. Connect with us to make your UI testing experience seamless. Get a free demo today.

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