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How to Automate Testing in Insurance? 3 Tips to Lead Your Industry

Test automation for insurance

The digital revolution has transformed various industries, and insurance is no exception. While the transition from legacy to cutting-edge technologies is no small accomplishment, it is inspiring to see more and more organizations embrace this change. However, with the world being ‘connected’ and customer being ‘the king,’ not having an up-to-date digital landscape can cost you heavily.   

Today, every insurer wants to be customer-centric. This means meaningful communication, transparency, and highly personalized solutions and experiences. Unfortunately, studies show that the inability to deliver a top-notch customer experience can result in a rapid decline of the company’s customer base – about 50% over the period of 5 years.   

Insurance applications are complex and require robust testing. However, incompetent processes and outdated application testing impede dynamic transformation. In this blog, let’s discuss how test automation enables you to be the insurer your customer dreams of.   

Why is Testing Insurance Applications a Challenge?  

Testing approach  

Even today, most large enterprises test their applications manually. Apart from being tedious, code-based testing increases the time required for test case development. Moreover, test design is also dependent on application development latency which is another challenge. Add to that the consistent demand for keeping up with changes in existing applications and the new ones; timely delivery is a nightmare.  

Multiple application technologies  

It is pretty straightforward that insurance applications span a good mix of legacy and modern technologies. However, this poses a problem when creating in-depth test scenarios and suitable coverage. Plus, multiple technologies require specific tools for testing, resulting in delays and impeding end-to-end coverage.    

Low productivity and delayed timelines   

Be it manual testing or fragmented automation testing, when it comes to the quality of the applications, it is usually lower than expected. This also results in lower productivity of teams due to manual and repetitive tasks involved. The inability to scale testing capabilities with application growth is yet another factor causing timeline delays.  

How to Lead the Insurance Industry with Test Automation  

No-code Approach  

Amidst all the roadblocks in testing applications, no-code test automation comes across as a breather. With no-code automated testing, you can test your insurance applications without writing a single line of code. It saves you from time-consuming test case development and helps test any new changes with a click of a few buttons. This also enables QA design and test case authoring to begin in parallel with development.  

Heterogenous capabilities  

When a test automation solution has heterogeneous capabilities, it works seamlessly across an array of technologies. This enables you to achieve end-to-end test automation and ensure all the features, old and new, work as expected.   

High-quality and improved productivity  

An end-to-end, no-code test automation solution drastically improves the quality of the applications since the probability of human error is reduced. Furthermore, since all the coding efforts are reduced to a few button clicks, your team is liberated from the tedious, repetitive tasks. This enables them to focus on more rewarding and high-value jobs, thus improving their productivity.  

CNA Financial – one of the top 10 insurers in the US, wanted to transition from project-centric to product-centric application development. Their software testing was majorly manual, with limited automated testing. The solutions were technology-dependent and didn’t offer end-to-end testing. This led to delay in timelines and poor-quality applications.  

Upon engaging with Avo, CNA Financial successfully achieved end-to-end test automation and delivered exceptional results. In this webinar, we’ve discussed how CNA was able to test applications at a 10x rate, achieved cost savings, and enabled continuous testing. Watch the webinar with a live demonstration of resolution here.   

To understand how our product could transform your business, schedule a live demo today. 

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