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These Five Test Automation Best Practices Will Transform Your Testing Strategy

Testing Strategy

In the digital age today, test automation is in demand like never before. It is crucial to the success of a software product or application. Relying only on a rigid, single strategy is not wise. Teams should be flexible to switch approaches in line with requirements. However, there are certain best practices that could give positive results irrespective of the requirement scenario.

Adhering to modern test automation best practices helps you deliver maximum ROIs by shortening development cycles, eliminating cumbersome, repetitive tasks, and improving software quality.

Top Five Best Practices in Test Automation

Create a Detailed Roadmap from Start to Finish

Create a robust automation architecture that clearly defines and estimates automation capabilities. It should also give the scope of automation and testing priorities while estimating the available resources. Also, getting insights to possible/potential risks upfront that might arise during the overall process will significantly help reduce human resource and time wastage in test automation. It is also vital to include a plan to evaluate all testing methods like continuous testing, regression testing, etc. for implementation.

Decide What Test Cases to Automate First

Clearly identify the initial set of tests to automate, as choosing appropriate test cases to automate early gives benefits that none other approaches can. Establish a strong automation plan to prioritize what test cases get tested and tested first. Don’t forget to include the golden three-Regression test, smoke test, and sanity test as these three tests each build or release of the app or software. 

Set Up the Right Automation Environment

Your automation plan comes into action during this part of your automation strategy. Therefore, create a stable test environment that also includes the right automation tool and a compliant platform. A stable test environment is essential to address all challenges that the unpredictable testing development throws at you.

Create Good Quality Data and Wisely Assign Test Automation Efforts

Collect and use external data from robust test automation metrics that are easy to maintain and that are reusable. These can be extended easily with new data without altering or disrupting the actual automated test, just in case the need arises. Also, assign the right tasks and data access to the right teams with distinct sets of skills. In general, allow your teams to experiment with new ideas and find ways to reduce testing times significantly.

Envision Results, Analysis, and Reusability

Prepare For Uncertainties. Before you kick in, envision results, analysis, and reusability of the test automation. Prepare a robust plan to proactively analyze tests that might fail and the appropriate backup solution to fix them. Doing so boosts actions that refine applications or software significantly during an uncertain situation. Also, an automation tool that supports reusability helps save time and effort from repetitive test creation and execution efforts. It helps to achieve the intended stability by utilizing previous works and their archives.

Test automation best practices pave the path to successfully implementing your test automation strategies. The testing domain is delicate enough to make numerous mistakes that cause much capital. Incorporating the above-mentioned best practices will help you avoid most mistakes and make your tests faster, efficient, and profitable.At Avo, we develop modern test automation solution that is compliant with contemporary test automation strategies. To know more about or test automation solutions, get a free demo today.

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