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Driving SAP Testing ROIs with Avo Assure 

Driving SAP Testing ROIs with Avo Assure 

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses relying on SAP must ensure their systems run seamlessly and efficiently. The complexity of SAP applications, however, makes testing a daunting task, often leading to time-consuming processes and escalating costs. The need to drive better returns on investment (ROIs) in SAP testing is more critical than ever. With Avo Automation’s revolutionary AI-driven, low-code test automation tool – Avo Assure, designed to streamline your SAP testing processes.

With its advanced capabilities, Avo Assure not only automates and streamlines the testing process but also improves various key metrics, significantly enhancing SAP testing ROI.

In this blog, we’ll explore how Avo can transform your SAP testing practices by optimizing crucial productivity and quality metrics.

The Power of Metrics in SAP Testing

Effective testing is data driven. Metrics provide insights into the performance, quality, and productivity of your testing processes. They enable you to identify bottlenecks, measure success, and continuously improve testing benchmarks for superior product quality. Below, we’ll delve into the key metrics crucial to SAP testing and illustrate how Avo Automation can help you improve them.

Related Reading : Automating SAP ECC Testing with Avo 

1. Productivity Metrics

In test automation, productivity metrics help understand the efficacy of your test planning & execution. These metrics track the progress & productivity of your testing efforts that are being done and how quickly you are able execute tests successfully.

A. Planning

1. Test Defect Density
Test defect density is a critical metric that helps you assess the quality of your test cases and the overall product. It measures the number of valid defects per raw test step. A high defect density may indicate issues with the product or that the test cases aren’t adequately covering all scenarios.


Test defect density = (Total no. of valid defects / Total raw Test steps)

Scenario: Imagine your team is testing a new SAP module for order processing. Without an automated tool, the team logs 100 valid defects after running 10,000 raw test steps. The defect density here is 1%. Avo Assure, with its AI-driven capabilities, can help you reduce this metric by identifying gaps in test coverage and automatically generating additional test cases to cover those gaps. The result? Fewer defects per test step and a more robust product.

2. Scripting Productivity

This metric tracks the efficiency of your testing team in writing test scripts, calculated as the ratio of total raw test steps created to the total man-hour efforts required to write them.


Scripting Productivity = (Total Raw Test Steps created/ Effort in person hours)

Scenario: Your team spends 200 hours (about 1 week 1 and a half day) writing 5,000 raw test steps. The scripting productivity here is 25 steps per hour. Avo’s no-code platform accelerates test case creation along with test steps through reusable components and prebuilt libraries for SAP modules, significantly reducing the time and effort required. With Avo, your team might now script 10,000 steps at the same time, doubling productivity.

B. Execution

1. Test Execution Productivity

This metric measures the number of raw test steps executed per hour. It’s crucial for understanding your team’s capacity and efficiency.


Test Execution Productivity= (Total Raw Test Steps× No. of passes) + Retested Raw Test Steps + Staging Raw Test Steps)/Effort in person hours

Example Scenario: In a scenario where your team executes 4,000 raw steps in 100 hours, the productivity is 40 steps per hour. By leveraging Avo’s parallel execution and in-sprint automation capabilities, you can streamline the execution process, potentially doubling or tripling the number of steps executed per hour. For instance, executing 8,000 steps in the same 100 hours would yield a productivity of 80 steps per hour, cutting down testing timelines dramatically.

2. Testing Phase Metrics

Testing phase metrics provide insight into the review and performance of tests during different phases of the software development lifecycle. These helps reveal any STLC bottlenecks and enables to you to act accordingly

A. Planning

1. Review Defect Density

Review defect density measures the effectiveness of reviews during the test planning phase by calculating the number of weighted review defects per raw test step under review.


Review Defect Density= (Total Weighted Review Defects/ Total Raw Test Steps under Review)

Example Scenario: Your team finds 50 weighted defects during the review of 1,000 raw test steps. Avo’s data-driven testing approach can improve the quality of these reviews by automatically generating test cases that cover edge cases, reducing the number of defects found later in the testing phase. With Avo, this metric could drop significantly, indicating more effective reviews and higher-quality test scripts.

2. Effective Defect Density

Effective defect density considers the severity of defects, giving a more nuanced view of product quality.


Effective Defect Density = (Total Weighted Defects /Total Raw Test Steps)

Example Scenario: Suppose 100 weighted defects are found across 10,000 raw test steps. The effective defect density would be 1%. Avo’s automated test case generation ensures that even severe defects are caught early, potentially lowering this metric and improving product quality.

3. Test Case Effectiveness

This metric evaluates the percentage of test cases that effectively identify defects mapped to specific requirements.


Test Case Effectiveness = (No. of Defects Mapped to Test Case / Total No. of valid Defects) × 100

Example Scenario: If out of 200 valid defects, 150 are mapped to test cases, the effectiveness is 75%. With Avo, test case effectiveness is maximized as the tool automatically generates test cases based on real user actions in SAP applications, ensuring all requirements are thoroughly tested. This could boost effectiveness to nearly 100%, ensuring all defects are caught before deployment.

B. Execution

1. Defect Rejection Rate

Defect rejection rate is a measure of the quality of defects logged. It’s calculated as the percentage of rejected defects out of the total defects opened.


Defect Rejection Rate = (Weighted defects rejected/Total weighted defects detected) × 100

Example Scenario: Suppose 20 out of 100 detected defects are rejected. This indicates that 20% of the defects were not valid. Avo helps by automating defect logging and classification, ensuring only valid defects are raised, thereby reducing the rejection rate. Moreover, Avo’s impact analysis feature enables you to analyze your SAP systems after every update to ensure SAP-powered business processes are bug-free.

2. Testing Progress

This metric compares the effort and schedule variance in test planning and execution. It helps track whether testing is on schedule or if there are delays.


Testing Progress = Test Cases Executed / Test Cases Planned

Example Scenario: Your team planned to execute 5,000 test cases but only managed 4,000 due to unforeseen issues. This 20% variance could delay your project. Avo’s parallel execution and in-sprint automation help keep testing on track, allowing your team to meet or even exceed the planned schedule, reducing variance to zero.

3. Defect Reported

This metric signifies the percentage of valid defects out of the total defects logged.


Defect Reported = (Total Valid defects / Total number of defects logged) × 100

Example Scenario: If your team logs 200 defects and 150 are valid, the rate is 75%. By leveraging Avo’s automated defect detection and reporting, this rate can be increased significantly, as the tool ensures only genuine issues are logged, potentially boosting the rate to 90% or higher.

4. Defect Leakage

Defect leakage measures the number of defects found in production that were missed during testing. It’s a critical metric for assessing overall testing efficiency.


Defect Leakage = (Total Valid Defects Raised in Phase n+1/Total Valid Defects Raised in Phase n + Total Valid Defects Raised in Phase n+1) ×100

Example Scenario: After deployment, your team discovers 10 defects that weren’t caught during testing, out of 100 total defects found in production. This 10% defect leakage indicates room for improvement. Avo’s comprehensive test coverage, driven by automated test case generation and execution, helps reduce defect leakage by ensuring more defects are caught during the testing phase itself.

3. Product Quality Metric

Product quality metrics assess how well the product performs and whether it meets user expectations. These metrics focus on the outcome of the test coverage.

1. Test Coverage

Test coverage measures the number of defects found without corresponding test cases against the total number of defects detected. It’s essential for ensuring all scenarios are tested.


Test Coverage = (Test Scripts not executed / Total Planned Test scripts) × 100

Example Scenario: Out of 100 detected defects, 20 have no corresponding test cases, resulting in 20% missed coverage. Avo’s automated test case generation, driven by AI, ensures that all functional areas are covered, reducing the number of defects without test cases. This could lower missed coverage to near zero, ensuring that your SAP system is thoroughly tested.

Related Reading: Five Ways to Double ROI of SAP Applications using Test Automation

Conclusion: Maximizing SAP Testing ROI with Avo Automation

Metrics are the backbone of effective SAP testing, guiding decision-making and ensuring continuous improvement. With Avo Assure, these metrics are not just tracked but optimized. Avo’s AI-driven, no-code platform enhances test coverage, speeds up test case creation, and simplifies execution, ultimately driving significant improvements across all key metrics.

Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Simplifies SAP Testing Procedures using Avo Assure 

By adopting Avo, organizations can reduce costs, accelerate testing timelines, and deliver higher-quality SAP applications—transforming their testing processes and maximizing ROI. Whether you’re dealing with complex SAP modules or striving to meet tight project deadlines, Avo Assure is the game-changer you need to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Start your journey towards better SAP testing today with Avo Assure—where AI meets efficiency, and every metric tells a story of success. Learn how Test Automation can ease your SAP migration journey from ECC to S4/HANA, read

How Automation Simplifies and Speeds up your Migration Journey to S/4HANA 

Want your SAP Test Strategy to be comprehensive, resilient & futureproof? Refer to

How to Build a Comprehensive SAP Test Automation Strategy in 2024?

Avo Assure is the best option if you require automation for SAP testing. With Avo Assure, we’ve made it simpler for you to adhere to the recommended automated SAP testing best practices. Schedule for your demo now.

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