Uncover the Future : Test Automation Trends to be Revealed [The Avo Podcast | Season 1| Episode 1] – Register Now!

Avo is named a key vendor for Test Automation by Gartner

Avo in Gartner

Published 29 September 2021 – ID G00756801

By Analysts: Jim Scheibmeir, Joachim Herschmann, Thomas Murphy, Paul Schenck

Enterprise SaaS applications have made it easier for enterprises to deliver more capabilities without actually owning the entire life cycle. But with their integrations come the ownership of ensuring the integrations are seamless. This is where ERP software testing comes into the picture.

Gartner 2021 social media analysis[1] shows that ERP software testing at every step of its implementation would help pinpoint and solve problems around the functionality and efficiency of the system. However, it is easier said than done. It depends on various parameters like: 

  • Fine-tuning of extensions and testing in demanding and stressful situations of different business scenarios
  • The extent of dependency of your team on the vendor’s processes 
  • The number of customizations and respective application drift
  • The nature of the application data
  •  The criticality and breadth of business usage

In this report, get quick answers for how we should test our SaaS applications and how Avo Automation is a key vendor in helping organizations achieve seamless testing. 

Download this report (Gartner subscription required) and learn how:

  1. To test areas of most significant value, risk, or change during scheduled provider updates and when your instance’s levels of integration and extension are very few to none. 
  2. Your teams must test the layers of the enterprise application during custom extension and integration development. 
  3. Invest in impact analysis and automation technologies when the cadence of change, extension and integration, and business criticality is high.

Get your report today (Gartner subscription required)

Schedule a demo today to learn more about how Avo can help transform how you test your Enterprise SaaS applications.

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