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AI Will Eat RPA For Lunch: Avo’s Top 4 Automation Predictions for 2022

Predictions 2022

“We’ll experience more progress in the next decade than in the past 100 years combined, as technology reshapes every other industry,” says entrepreneur and futurist Peter Diamandis. Especially with the Covid-19 debacle, the adoption of digital technologies has only become more prominent. Automation increases this adoption and thus, forms the primary pillar of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). The 4IR is where artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things (IoT), quantum computing, genetic engineering, and other technologies take the world by a storm.

We’ve identified the top four automation predictions for the year 2022, and here they are.

1. AI will eat RPA for lunch

Yes, let’s say that again: AI will eat RPA for lunch and for good. Robotic process automation has played a vital role in digital transformation, but with its limitations coming to the fore, it’s now time to look past RPA. Processes automated using RPA are highly brittle, require frequent human assistance to keep them from breaking, and cannot scale for end-to-end automation. 

That brings CXOs and technology leaders to the latest best choice – AI. With AI advancing rapidly, it only makes sense to embrace it for lower latency, higher performance, and autonomous decision-making. After all, organizations aim to deliver better products, offer exceptional customer service, and achieve faster turn-around times. AI will make all these a reality with significantly less human intervention. Organizations that do not adopt AI will risk fighting an uphill battle and losing against competitors.

2. Software testing will be the spine of delivery 

In today’s fast-paced times, competing to offer a delightful customer experience has become the very DNA of organizations. At least 90% of how you interact with a business is driven by the experience. And it doesn’t stop at one extremely gratifying experience. It is a continuous process, and one instance of dissatisfaction could drift your customer away. A Forbes post states that – customer loyalty drops by as much as 20% when issues aren’t addressed at the right time. 

Though the longest pole in the tent, software testing will become the indispensable tool for organizations to deliver a best-in-class customer experience. With intelligent, no-code test automation solutions that promise true automation, organizations will become more confident of their offerings and brace themselves to compete for head-on. In the software-driven world, testing will be the king.

3. Low-code test automation solutions will lose the steam

Why low-code when there’s no-code? While low-code solutions contributed their fair share to the digital revolution, the high maintenance costs and human resources required to develop customizations outweigh the benefits. Not to mention the time needed to ‘write code’ even when you are ‘automating.’ Especially with open-source tools like Selenium, vendor support for enterprises continues to be a challenge. 

The emergence and rapid adoption of intelligent, no-code test automation solutions will help overcome these challenges. With various players in the market, and each, like mentioned before, competing to offer the best possible experience, organizations will start to see how no-code will help them innovate with confidence. This is because no-code promises better quality in lesser time at the click of a few buttons.

4. Product-centric delivery will trump project-centric management

The market today demands speed and agility. Project-centric management fails to keep up with both. Also, managing silos is an industry-wide challenge that needs attention. Organizations that seek new ways to generate long-term customer value and address evolving requirements are transitioning to product-centric delivery. 

Although most organizations believe they are moving to product-centric delivery, achieving true agility and digital transformation is still a long shot. In a survey by Gartner, 66% of the business leaders worldwide think that they are digitally transforming the business. However, only 11% of CEOs are actually doing so. In 2022, product-centric delivery will become the new normal, which perhaps is necessitated by the rapidly changing IT dynamics due to the pandemic.

Avo Automation helps organizations worldwide with its intelligent, no-code automation solution. From CNA Financial and M&T bank and Emerson, Fortune 500s across industries trust Avo. To see how Avo can help you ride the automation wave in 2022, sign up for a live demo today.

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