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What is Automated Web Testing?

Automated web testing

A company is what its web application is. There is no doubt about that. Placing orders, buying food, using a service, reading a blog, or taking a course; there’s a lot that the web handles today. Now, imagine a user trying to access a service, and it gets denied. Mostly, that’s one business down. Or, even worse is when the user pen downs a negative review. That’s why web services are crucial and the importance of a seamlessly operating web application cannot be emphasized enough. Error-free websites are the outcomes of successful web testing. 

What is Web Testing?

Web testing is the process of checking a web application or a website for bugs before a market release. More the number of bugs, more is the expenses. Web testing consists of:

  1. Functional testing
  2. Usability testing
  3. Interface testing
  4. Compatibility testing
  5. Performance testing
  6. Security testing

Manually performing these demands software testers to carry out each test step-by-step. It consumes more time and effort besides increasing the chances for human errors. Automated web testing helps software testers to overcome most challenges they face in the whole testing process. 

What is Automated Web Testing

Automated web testing uses modern tools, machine learning techniques, and artificial intelligence to perform web testing. It helps in relieving the amount of tedious and repetitive human tasks. Automated web testing also saves time, effort and gives faster and accurate results while increasing software efficiency. 

The Core Benefits of Automated Web Testing

  • Quick Feedback

Automated web testing help teams uncover bugs faster and improve the  feedback loop between the developers and testers. It is extremely beneficial as it saves expenses which would cost 4x–5x more if found after a release.  

  • Better Test Efficiency

In automated web testing, the test coverage rates are much wider and validate multiple features and functions at a time. It, therefore, takes less time to execute the entire test suite. Once initiated, automation covers multiple tasks to evaluate test results, which saves time and efforts.

  • Make Test Cases Reusable

Automated web testing tools support customization and support test suite reusability. It is useful when making new software changes and requires the whole testing again. This capability streamlines the web workflow with minimum user intervention. 

  • Faster time to market

Like mentioned before, quick test coverage within given timelines speeds up testing newly developed features. This helps release robust web applications faster without delays.

All these are proof that automated website testing is indisputably the most popular and beneficial method to roll out modern web applications and websites. Here’s a basic table of comparisons of manual and automated web testing.

Manual Vs Automated Web Testing

Testing AspectsManual TestingAutomated Testing
ExecutionManually done by testers in a step by step mannerAutomatically executes test using no-code modern tools
EfficiencyTime consuming, error-prone, and delayed deliveryQuick, error-free, and frees up humans for creative/innovative tasks
Types of tasksAll done manuallyAll processes automated including real-user simulations
CoverageTest coverage remains uncertain including chances of miss-outsGreater coverage without missing any features/processes

Tests you can Successfully Automate

In today’s world, there are more components of web testing that are suitable for automation. Following are few tests that you can successfully automate in web testing.

  • 1. Functional testing
  • 2. Regression testing
  • 3. Cross-browser testing
  • 4. Performance testing

Summing up, to successfully perform web application testing, enterprises need to embrace effective test automation tools and processes. At Avo, we have developed an intelligent, no-code test automation solution – Avo Assure. It helps you achieve end-to-end test automation for diverse business processes with applications spanning the web, mobile, ERP, Mainframes, and more. It is designed to make QA engineers’ life easy to the farthest extent possible. Come, let’s make web testing a seamless process. Let us help you make web testing easier. Get a free demo today.

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