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7 New Features of Avo Assure That Make Your Life Easier

New Features Avo Assure 3.2

No-code test automation is a trendsetter in today’s IT ecosystem. It is gaining increased adoption in quality engineering teams owing to its low learning curve, speed, ease of usage, and increased productivity. Avo Assure, being a no-code test automation solution, has been at the forefront, delivering all of these benefits and more. With exciting new features in store for you, we can’t wait to give a sneak peek of Avo Assure 3.2.   

1. Accessibility Testing   

With a single click of a button, enable accessibility testing for your applications. It supports WCAG standards, Section 508, and ARIA. Avo Assure is the only functional test automation solution to offer accessibility testing with a no-code approach.   

2. Smart Scheduling and Execution  

The Smart Scheduling and Execution feature enables you to execute multiple scenarios in a single VM independently or parallelly. It also allows you to run the test cases remotely in ICE pools. The historical data associated with the previous execution gives details of the system where a particular test case was executed and the execution time involved.   

3. Integration with Sauce Labs  

Have numerous test cases but falling short of infrastructure to run them? Avo Assure 3.1 offers integration with Sauce Labs, where you can run your test cases without having to worry about the infrastructure requirements. The report is available on Avo Assure.  

4. Intuitive Reporting   

If not easy to read and comprehend, reporting can be as cumbersome as manual testing or perhaps a quality engineer’s nightmare. On the flip side, when it is visually appealing and easily understandable, it can be a powerful tool for quality engineering teams. In Avo Assure 3.2, you’ll get an embedded video of execution and a screenshot of each step. You will also be notified of the status of the report via email.   

5. Intelligent Object Prediction   

Get more insights into what you’re testing because IRIS now identifies objects and predicts object types and object-specific keywords. Unlike earlier, when IRIS would identify every object as an image, it can now clearly classify the identified objects as buttons, dropdowns, and more.   

6. Advanced Dashboard and Execution Metrics   

Welcome to the one dashboard that does it all. Choose from the 30 default widgets to visualize reports intuitively or customize as per your needs. Get the entire data of your testing ecosystem like execution status, test case summary, executions per assignee, and more.  

7. Integrations and Support    

Auto-generate test cases rapidly as Avo Assure now thoroughly integrates with Avo Discover – our super-intelligent process discovery solution. Support for Salesforce is instantly available. Avo Assure can now be hosted on Linux as well.    

Can’t wait to see these features work seamlessly in unison? Schedule a demo today. 

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